
I really feel fortunate to live in a state with so many talented authors! On August 11 I went with some friends to Authorpalooza at a local Barnes and Noble. There were over 30 authors there, and it was so much fun!

First, we kind of camped out at Jessica Day George's table. I have recently become totally obsessed with her books. Dragon Slippers was such a pleasant surprise that I seriously read just about everything else I could get my hands on, and raved about it to everyone I know. I have really enjoyed all of her books, and it was a real pleasure to meet her.

Kind of funny story too. I was talking to my friends about how disappointed I was that Shannon Hale's new book, Forest Born was not going to have the same style of beautiful cover that the others have had. Jessica Day George politely called me out that authors have little to no say in what happens to their book covers. Which is true, and I knew it, but I did feel a little sheepish.

Our next stop was to meet the great James Dashner. What a nice guy! I'm expecting an ARC of his newest book, The Maze Runner sometime within the next month, and I'm so excited to read it. I really enjoyed The Thirteenth Reality, which I will get a review up for sometime.... My pull to the book was that the main character's name is Atticus, which I love! Anyway, can't wait to see more good work from him!
Then I got to meet the very lovely Laura Bingham, author of Alvor. I am just starting this book, but I'm so excited to read it! A book club on Goodreads is reading this, and I was having a heck of a time getting a copy since it wasn't in my library. In the end, I got a nice signed copy. Laura Bingham was super nice, and I'm pretty sure her book will be a big hit. (I'm hoping to see Alvor in a hardcover edition, since I just love the feel of hardcover books.)

Last on our trip was Carol Lynch Williams author of The Chosen One. I haven't read this book either, but I've heard so many good things about it from fellow bloggers that I knew I had to get a copy. Carol Lynch Williams also so nice and I could tell a little disappointed I hadn't read the book yet. But, I promise I'm going to get to it very soon!

This was a fantastic event! I really hope that Barnes and Noble will continue to do events like this, because I really love getting out and meeting authors.

Stay tuned for more reviews from these fine authors and many more!