Mavs, Dale Jr., Operation Southern Comfort, and Evil-Be-Gone

Mavericks: After all the devastation suffered by the deep south late last week, I felt far too guilty to celebrate with a Whoo-Hoo post after my Mavs defeated Portland to move into the next round of the playoffs. I'm so darn proud of them, though!

Now, we have to face the Lakers.  Tonight.  Yeah.  C'mon Mavs, y'all can do this!!! I KNOW it! Grrrrr!

Oh, and Mr. Lakers Guy, David, who was cheering the Mavs, but will now be booing them...bring it! ;)

Dale Earnhardt Jr.: Richmond didn't produce the results we wanted, but that's life, right? After running in the top ten, and even up to second late in the race, Dale was forced to pit for fuel, which left him with a nineteenth place finish. Bit frustrating. BUT, he's 4th in points and, apart from fuel strategy, he had a strong night, in my opinion. For those getting all riled up: he's doing just fine, folks. Relax.

Operation Southern Comfort: If you have extra clothing or can pick up a few things at your local store (especially t-shirts in XL, 2X, and 3X), socks, flip flops, or the like--pack 'em up and ship them on down south. Check your local churches, grocery stores, businesses, Red Cross, and Salvation Army for drop off locations.

Evil-Be-Gone: Much love to our brave men and women for ridding the world of a supreme evil. If you see a man or woman in uniform, for heaven's sake, shake their hand and thank them for all they do to keep our country safe and free. God Bless America and God Bless Our Troops!