The Great Baby Giveaway!

No, I'm not giving away my baby...

But, I'm certainly getting anxious for her arrival! And I wanted to invite you all to join in on my antsy-ness. So, I decided to host a little giveaway in celebration. Here is some information that may help you in your prediction.

I am due February 25, 2010. Also, as of today, I'm not currently in labor. So, if you guess February 17, you probably won't win. If you guess March 25 I'll punch you you'll lose.  The latest my doctor will let me go is March 5.

I'm having a girl. Girls are generally smaller than boys. Also, you should know that many people comment on how small I am. So, a 10 lb weight guess is not only very mean, but will probably be very wrong.

Here's how it works:
  1.  Leave a comment with your prediction of the day of baby girl's arrival as well as the height and weight. Also leave some way for me to contact you after the contest is over.
Whomever is closest to the actual day of arrival will win! If more than one person correctly guesses the date, the height and weight will be used as a tie breaker.

Here's what you'll win:
  1.  Grand Prize: An ARC of "The Dark Divine" by Bree Despain, and signed by her as well. I also have stickers and bookmarks and all sorts of awesome things that will be included.
I may have some other ARC's and prizes that I'll want to give away. It just depends on how many people enter.