Items of Non-Book Business

I have a few reviews I'm working, but frankly, I've been in a real reading rut lately. I try not to post reviews of books that are less than 2 stars, and recently every book I've read has been a real dud. If you have some good suggestions, please let me know.

I'd like to recommend to everyone to give some type of aid to the people of Haiti. If you aren't able to give monetarily, or with donated clothing, etc. at least send a prayer their way. There are many credible organizations that are involved in the relief effort. I recommend either the Red Cross or My heart goes out to the people of Haiti. They are the poorest nation in the hemisphere and have seen their fair share of struggles. I can't even imagine the devastation of the people there.

Second, it's National Delurker Day. So, I'm putting myself out there to ask if you haven't commented before, do so now. Make yourself known! I made a goal to comment on 15 blogs that I follow today. Even if you have posted in the past, do so again today. Especially if you have a good book recommendation.

Wildwood Dancing by Juliet Marillier: Review

Wildwood Dancing
By: Juliet Marillier

Description (From 
High in the Transylvanian woods, at the castle Piscul Draculi, live five daughters and their doting father. It's an idyllic life for Jena, the second eldest, who spends her time exploring the mysterious forest with her constant companion, a most unusual frog. But best by far is the castle's hidden portal, known only to the sisters. Every Full Moon, they alone can pass through it into the enchanted world of the Other Kingdom. There they dance through the night with the fey creatures of this magical realm.

But their peace is shattered when Father falls ill and must go to the southern parts to recover, for that is when cousin Cezar arrives. Though he's there to help the girls survive the brutal winter, Jena suspects he has darker motives in store. Meanwhile, Jena's sister has fallen in love with a dangerous creature of the Other Kingdom--an impossible union it's up to Jena to stop.

When Cezar's grip of power begins to tighten, at stake is everything Jena loves: her home, her family, and the Other Kingdom she has come to cherish. To save her world, Jena will be tested in ways she can't imagine--tests of trust, strength, and true love.
This was a wonderful retelling/mashing of the 12 Dancing Princesses and the Frog princes with some vampires thrown in for fun.  I tend to really enjoy fantasy that has interesting historical lore, and this book had plenty of that. The Transylvanian setting was intriguing, and added a lot of depth to the story.  The book had a lot of foreshadowing which made the book slightly predictable, but there was still plenty of surprises and twists that quickened the pace.

My one real complaint with the book is that there were just too many sisters. Sometimes their personalities melded together and I'd have to read back through parts of the book to get the story straight.  Also, at one point in the book, one of the characters falls in love with a "forbidden" lover and basically stops caring about everything else in her life. I wasn't impressed by it, but thankfully it didn't cloud up the story too much.

I loved Jena's character, and her relationship with her frog Gogu.  It was really a best friend relationship that was both touching and incredibly funny at times. Another wonderful part of the story is the villain and how he weasels his way into the story. It was a great example of how we shape our character by our actions, no matter how well-intended we may be.
I will definitely pick up the sequel and see how the story continues.

I gave the book 5 stars

Book A-Likes:
The Princess of the Midnight Ball by Jessica Day George. Recommended for those who like fairy-tale retellings and fantasy

Profanity: None
Drugs and Alcohol: None
Sexuality: Mild
Violence: Mild

Most Anticipated Books for 2010

Happy New Year!

This will be the first year in a long time that I am not making a resolution to read more. Believe me, I read plenty. I've been flipping through some of the Spring Catalogs, and I'm getting very excited about compiling a new "to-be-read" pile. Here is a list of books I am most looking forward to in 2010.

This World We Live In
By: Susan Beth Pfeffer
April 1, 2010

I was absolutely enthralled by "Life as We Knew It," the first book in this series. The writing was so fantastic, I really had to shake myself out of the story a few times.  I'm not much for a book written in journal form, but it was absolutely necessary in this case, and it came off beautifully.

I can't wait to see where the story goes, and knowing the strength of Susan Beth Pfeffer's writing, it's going to go somewhere you don't expect.

Princess of Glass
By: Jessica Day George
May 25, 2010

I have a author-crush on Jessica Day George. There hasn't been one thing she's written that I haven't loved. "Princess of the Midnight Ball" was no exception, and I'm happy to see a sequel to it.

My favorite thing about Jessica Day George is the way she crafts her characters. They are all important, and they all make up a fantastic story. I am sure this book won't disappoint.

The Scorch Trials (Maze Runner #2)
By: James Dashner
October 2010

The Maze Runner is one of my most recommended books this year. I've recommended it mostly for teenage boys and people who liked the Hunger Games. The first book ended in quite a cliffhanger, so I'll be very interested to see how the story plays out in the sequel.

The Hunger Games: Book 3
By: Suzanne Collins
August 24, 2010

Obviously that isn't the actual title or cover art, but who cares! Hunger Games and Catching Fire were the two best books I read all year. I don't think I've been as invested in a series since Harry Potter. This will be a book that I will go get at midnight if I have to.

By: Becca Fitzpatrick
October 2010

Hush, Hush did what I thought was not possible: Get me to read paranormal romances. There is still a lot of story left to be told, so Crescendo will definitely be one that I'm picking up this year.

By: Aprilynne Pike
May 4, 2010

I liked "Wings" enough to continue on in the series, and that's saying something for me. Plus, she's a local author for me, and I'm really a sucker for promoting them.

But, I will not read any further in the series if Laurel doesn't end up with who I want her to. And, that's a promise. :P

And, that's my list for 2010! I'm sure it will grow as I discover new authors and stories. But, it looks like a fantastic year for YA! What books are you most looking forward to this year?