Items of Non-Book Business

I have a few reviews I'm working, but frankly, I've been in a real reading rut lately. I try not to post reviews of books that are less than 2 stars, and recently every book I've read has been a real dud. If you have some good suggestions, please let me know.

I'd like to recommend to everyone to give some type of aid to the people of Haiti. If you aren't able to give monetarily, or with donated clothing, etc. at least send a prayer their way. There are many credible organizations that are involved in the relief effort. I recommend either the Red Cross or My heart goes out to the people of Haiti. They are the poorest nation in the hemisphere and have seen their fair share of struggles. I can't even imagine the devastation of the people there.

Second, it's National Delurker Day. So, I'm putting myself out there to ask if you haven't commented before, do so now. Make yourself known! I made a goal to comment on 15 blogs that I follow today. Even if you have posted in the past, do so again today. Especially if you have a good book recommendation.