Here's the gist on Rock the Drop: you get books you love, and drop them somewhere for an unsuspecting reader to find.
I chose Cloaked
by Alex Flinn and Blood and Flowers
by Penny Blubaugh as my drops. And where did I drop them? Why, my favorite place, The Provo Library.
Blood and Flowers got a spot on the table by the YA section.
Cloaked got a spot in the juvenile fiction section on some comfy pillows.
I put a bookplate and a note in each one indicating that they were totally up for grabs. I also emailed the super awesome programs coordinator at the Provo Library and let her know that I'd be dropping a couple titles off at the library and she said that she would let the circulation desks know.
Ever since I've dropped them off, I've been dying to know who picked them up. Well, whoever they are, I hope they enjoyed them.
Did you rock the drop today?