Baby Update

I know all of you are anxiously awaiting the announcement that the baby has arrived. Believe me, I'm just about as anxious as all of you.

I wanted to give all of you whose date guesses have passed another chance. If you would like another guess at when this baby is going to come, all you need to do is spread the word about the contest. There are several ways you can do this.

Twitter: If you use Twitter, go ahead and tweet about the contest linking the original entry and using my handle @eellsworth

Facebook: Post a status update or just link the contest entry page to your wall, either way.

Blog Link: If you have a blog, either put up a post about the contest, mention it in a sidebar or something.

Anything else you can think of! Once you've done that, make a comment in the ORIGINAL entry here, and tell me what you did and make a new guess.

Best of luck to you all!