Charlie And The Chocolate Factory [Review]

In my tidying and sorting, I found my copy of Roald Dahl's children classic, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory! I remember reading this for the first time, aged 5 I think. I was spellbound. Absolutely loved it. And so, having found it, I decided to have a read, and before I knew it, I was caught up in the world of Charlie Bucket and the eccentric Willy Wonka.

The book is just as magical as I remember it being all those years ago. The way the books are written is simply genius. It's easy for young kids to understand, but not dumbed down too much that an 18-year old, confident reader can complain about being too young. Just simply brilliant.

The characters are fun. The rhymes are fun. The Chocolate Factory is fun. The book is overall fun. But as well as being fun, it has a real moral message. Well, a few. Don't be greedy in life. Yes, take what you can but don't abuse that. Always take advice from those who know best! Don't watch too much TV (haha!) and most importantly of all, what's money when you have health?

Yes, I know, an 18 year old reading a kids book, but it's a simple, easy and fun read that I just couldn't resist. It brought back lots of memories of being 5 and of times when things were simpler. It's one of the first books that I remember reading. Maybe that's why I'm so fond of it. We all love books that remind us of our childhood, right? And for me, Roald Dahl was a staple of my reading as a kid. This is a book that I know I'll still appreciate no matter how old I get, and it's one I shall pass down to my children one day.