In My Mailbox

This is my first time participating in this meme. But, I got a lot of stuff in the mail and from the library this week, so I wanted to share.

I got a surprise package from Penguin Books on Tuesday with three ARC's in them. I'm not sure if I'll have enough time to read them all, so I might pass a couple on to The Literati, a teen reading and writing group that I'm an advisor for. (Check out their blog too!)

The Evil Within
By: Nancy Holder
Release Date: June 2010

It looks like this book is the second in a series. I haven't read the first one, so maybe I should get on that. I'm not really into murder mystery/horror, so I might pass this one along.

Paisley Hanover Kisses and Tells
By: Cameron Tuttle
Release Date: July 2010

A book about high school drama. This could be interesting...

The Eternal Ones
By: Kirsten Miller
Release Date: August 2010

If I can get past the cover, I might just read this one. But, frankly, the cover is a huge turn-off for me. (I know, don't judge a book by it's cover. Eh, but I do)


From the Library

Magic Study
By: Maria V. Snyder

I liked Poison Study enough to pick up the sequel from the library. I'm hoping I have enough time to finish it before it comes due in 3 weeks. Reading when you have a clingy infant is really hard.

The Hourglass Door

By: Lisa Mangum

I've heard good things about this book. I know the author is local to me, and I've seen her at events, but I've never actually spoken to her.  This book finally became available at my library and I'm excited to read it.

The Princess and the Bear
By: Mette Ivie Harrison

I loved The Princess and the Hound, so I HAD to pick up the sequel. This is another one that had a long waiting list at the library. I'll definitely read it before it comes due.

That's it for my books this week. What do you have that's new?

This post is linked at The Story Siren