Friday Faves (1)

Friday Faves
April 23, 2010

Angie lists her favorite (and not so favorite) required reads from high school.  I can remember very little of my high school reading. I remember a few titles, but I have a hard time remembering what I thought of them and in some cases even what they are about.  However, I do remember To Kill a Mockingbird. Gosh, I love that book. I love it so much that I'm going to name my first boy Atticus. No joke.

This was a great post on Mark Twain, one of Milly Marie's favorite authors.  She had a lot of great background and stories that I hadn't heard before. I've always thought that Mark Twain was fascinating, and I have some very fond memories of reading Huckleberry Finn with my dad.

Suzanne talks a little about her journey to becoming an author and what she originally wanted to do.  The post was great, but there were some fantastic comments. I definitely suggest you check it out and leave a comment.

I seriously laughed out loud a few times during this post. Gettsr dissects part of an interview that USA Today did with Nicholas Sparks and Miley Cyrus.  Whodathunk that Miley Cyrus would come off looking smarter than Sparks? If you haven't read the interview, it's a must. The link is in the blog post.

So, what posts did you find (or write) last week that were worth mentioning?