Using Social Media to Get Book Recommendations

Many of the books I read come from recommendations from others. When I was younger I got my recommendations from my elementary school librarian. We were close friends. I often got first dibs at the newest books coming in.

Nowadays I don't have the same relationship with my city librarians.  I now rely on IRL friends and other bloggers for my recommendations.  One of my favorite places to go for recommendations is Goodreads.

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I love meeting new people on Goodreads and comparing the books we've read. It's also a great way to get to know authors. Many new authors, and even some old ones, are signing up for accounts on Goodreads.  If we're not already friends on Goodreads, definitely look me up!

I also follow a bunch of fellow bookish folks on Twitter. I follow many of the authors of blogs that I follow and admire the most. But, this is also a great way to connect with publishers and authors. Here is a list of some of my favorites.

@EgmontUSA and @EgmontGal from Egmont. They are great at responding to questions and passing on news about their latest titles.

@neilhimself; this is the account for Neil Gaiman. I haven't read many of his books, but his tweets are always amusing and interesting.

@JessDayGeorge; She's one of the most active local authors on Twitter. Her tweets always make me laugh.

@SimonSchuster and @Scholastic are two more publisher accounts. I love reading news on their titles and authors.

Who are you following on Twitter? If you aren't already following me, I'd love to have you along! Also, please leave your handle in the comments so I can follow you back! My handle is @eellsworth.

The last place I'd like to mention as a great source for reviews is Facebook. I love what they've done with the pages concept. I created a fan page for my website this afternoon. I plan to use it to promote local events and things that I don't want to write posts about here on my blog.

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What social media do you use to get recommendations? Who are you following on Twitter?