Read-a-Thon Update: Hour 8

It's hour 8 of the Read-a-Thon. I've been able to get much more reading in than I had anticipated mostly because of this:

Yep, she's been napping peacefully in her boppy for several hours now. So... here's my update:

Title of book(s) read since last update: Magic Study by Maria V Snyder
Number of books read since you started: Still working on the one
Pages read since last update: 212
Running total of pages read since you started: 212
Amount of time spent reading since last update: 2.5 hours
Running total of time spent reading since you started: (keep track of this one to be eligible for a prize!)
Mini-challenges completed: 0 (I'm going to start on these now)
Other participants you’ve visited: Too many to list
Prize you’ve won: None... :(


The Book Lady's Panty Worthy Challenge

Here is my list of #pantyworthy authors and my favorite work by them:

Shannon Hale; Goosegirl
Jessica Day George; Dragon Slippers
Cornelia Funke; Inkheart
Suzanne Collins; Hunger Games
JK Rowling; Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
JRR Tolkien; Return of the King
Harper Lee; To Kill a Mockingbird

Midnight Book Girl's Drabble Challenge

More efficient than any alarm clock, the cries emitting from the bassinet at the side of the bed signaled that the baby was hungry. Now.
Groggily, I turned on my phone to look at the its face, blinking several times to shake the fog that blinded them. 4:00 am. Would I be able to have the energy to even read my email this morning, much less a book?
I smiled as I thought of the wonderful adventures that awaited me between the pages of the books I'd chosen. It was going to be a good day.