I REALLY Don't Get It--Eliot Spitzer ,The T.V. Host (you don't have to pay) & Snooki, The Author

Eliot Spitzer: Disgraced governor of New York; forced resignation after being caught with prostitutes; used an unbelievable amount of money on such activities; cheated on his wife, broke her heart; ruined his political career; oozes everything unethical, immoral, and just plain eww.  CNN, however, has decided to give this "upstanding" man a talk show, co-anchoring with a conservative WOMAN. 

What kind of message does this send to children? To women? To his family? That you can engage in illegal activities, pay a woman to have sex with you, lie, break your family, disgrace your state and yourself, and find yourself rewarded with a talk show on one of the most upstanding news stations on the air???? Please, spare me the whole "it's his private life and it's none of our business." It most certainly is our business when the man is in the public eye, representing New York State, and possibly using funds to buy himself pleasure. Now, I know he is not the first, and I dare say he won't be the last, to engage in this kind of activity, but to AWARD him with a TALK SHOW ON CNN?!?!?!?!?!!?

Some say they don't care as long as he presents his facts accurately.  Well, ya should care. You should.  If this is the absolute best we can do as a society, then we've got some problems.

I don't get it.  Really, really don't get it. What the he*& is happening here, folks?

Oh, yeah, and Simon & Schuster has signed Snooki (circa MTV's Jersey Shore...you know, the one who gets drunk and pukes, gets arrested, etc) to write a novel about a girl trying to find love on the Shore. Apparently, they think it's a great idea to have her write a fun novel that teens and young adults would want to read. Way to go. 

Maybe I am naive, but.....I. Don't. Get. It.