My Little Blog Shines...And It Means Everything To Me.

I am quite literally over the moon....and gobsmacked (love that word--it just totally captures the emotion). Jen at Ink Drops has taken the time to create a beautiful blog award called The Star Award, Your Blog Shines.  What a kind, generous, wonderful idea. I can't possibly thank you enough, Jen.

When I first started this blog, I was admittedly nervous...okay, I was utterly terrified. It's no small thing to just say to whoever may stumble upon your blog, "hey, I'm a 32!" I was afraid people would lash out, say cruel things, belittle me, ridicule me...basically bully me. Unfortunately, bullying isn't something that  happens to kids alone; as bullies grow and mature, so does the style of bullying (which begs the question: Do bullies actually mature? Or do they just get better at bullying?).

From what we've seen on the news, the bullying is getting worse by the day. I don't think I'll ever understand why some people feel the need to treat others badly. Does it really make the bully feel better about themselves? Does it make them feel more important? Why hurt another human being? I don't get it...never will. We're all in the same boat, really...we're all trying to figure out how to plug the leaks.

I've heard my fair share and I've shed some tears, but my skin has gotten pretty thick in the process.  Still, it stings when I hear the backhanded comment or see "the look," usually accompanied by the ever-popular head tilt. Laughing is my rule at this stage in life.

After over four months of blogging, I have made some very dear friends (yes, I consider you my friends, silly at it seems), received more support and encouragement than I could possibly imagine, and have had actual blog awards bestowed upon my little blog.

I guess I just wanted to say thank you--through this blog and through your support, this once little cowardly lion has found her courage badge...and I'm proudly, openly wearing it, maybe for the first time in my life.