Announcing: Monthly Commenter Contest

As I was reading through the reader survey that so many of you graciously filled out, I noticed that you would like to see more giveaways. However, for those of you that don't want your inbox/reader clogged with a million posts about different contests that you may not be interested in, and to promote the general community, I'm introducing:

The Monthly Commenter Contest

This is how it will work:

Each month I will pick a random commenter from one of the posts within the last month to win a featured book.  Each thoughtful comment you leave on a post during the month will count as a contest entry. However, the following types of comments will NOT be eligible:
  • Great post! I'll definitely add it to my TBR pile.
  • Hey! I'm your newest follower, would you check out my blog and follow me back?
  • Love your site (although I do appreciate the sentiments)
  • Generic, one or two word comments.
You don't need to write an essay, just make it evident to me that you've at least read the post, mmkay?

Only comments on posts from the current month will be eligible. Sorry, you can't comment on every post from the last 2 years. Well, actually, you can, but it won't be a contest entry.

All of these contests are open internationally unless I specify otherwise. So, comment away!

Please make sure that when you comment, that I have an email address or something that lets me identify who you are. Anonymous comments will not be eligible, obviously. But, if you have a blogger account linked or your website, make sure your contact information is either in your blogger profile or on your blog. If I can't get a hold of you, I'll pick another comment.

This month's featured title that will be up for grabs is...

by Lauren Oliver

Each month's featured book will either be a new release or a signed book by either a local author or one that has been through the area.

Comment period ends at midnight on the last day of the month. Have any questions? Leave them in the comments or email me.