Valentine's Eve...A Weekend Roundup.

'Twas the night before V--...

Yeah, I can't carry that one through.

So, yesterday was the Budweiser Shootout, a.k.a. the official return of NASCAR. Hurray! Dale Earnhardt Jr. drew the pole for Saturday night's race, and was having a great night until...Smith got into Carl Edwards, who then clipped Dale. Night over. Boo!

***On the very bright side--Dale won the pole for the upcoming Daytona 500!!!! Hurray!***

Food Drama: Yesterday, I ordered Chinese food. My favorite part of the meal? Fortune cookie time!!

Well, I had 3 fortune cookies. 2 of them were the exact same: "You and your wife will be happy in your life together."


Two totally inapplicable fortunes for several reasons: 1. Wrong sex; 2. I'm not someone's wife or anything of the like, so I can't stretch it in any possible way to make it fit; and 3. I don't recall ever seeing a marriage fortune, much less two of the same thing--highly inappropriate fortunes right before the-day-that-must-not-be-named.

Result: My dad's getting them, since he and my mom fit said fortunes perfectly.

The 3rd fortune did offer a tiny bit of hope: "All your hard work will soon pay off." Here's hoping. Think I'll keep this one.

Next up was a boatload of fun: After watching Gone With The Wind, another kind of wind began battering my stomach something awful.  The painfully unwelcome visitor then kept me in post-food hell until 8 a.m. this morning. I'm trying hard NOT to take this as a sign, but rather an unfortunate, ill-timed that just so happened to fall on V-Day eve. Ironic and appropriate in so many ways.

Happy V-Day Eve! *just doesn't have the same ring to it*

Bah! Humbug! *now, that works*