Roses Are Red...Unless You Are Me...

I have a thing for flowers. I love 'em. My favorite flower is the daisy. It's just such a happy little flower. Every time I bring them home, I swear the house smiles...and so do I. My mom loves to make me blankets featuring all sorts of different daisy patterns, and let me tell you how they brighten up a room!

But, considering we are approaching the wretched day called Valentine's, I want to look at the unofficial V-Day flower: The rose.

Now, I love roses, I do, really (*clears throat* they in no way make me want to toss them in a sewer when I see them handed to an undercover soulless witch)...

...but, they have been a bit of a thorn in my side, as they have with all single women. Society conditions us at a very young age to recognize the rose as a universal declaration of love, acceptance, desire, etc.

Rose = relationship;
Rose = romance;
Rose = gag

Ooh, wait, that last one's my personal reaction. Sorry.

**I do have a favorite color you can guess.**

Due to this time of year, personal experience, and just the total randomness of my mind right now, I have this whole rose philosophy when it comes to the colors:

1. Red Rose: Unofficial Vomit Day flower and waaaaaay overused. Result: Nah, I'll pass.

2. White Rose: Innocence and purity. Huh! Well, this one was forever ruined when cute boy gave slut girl a white rose as a symbol of her purity. Turns out he was trying to kiss up for the ideal boy-V-Day, if you get what I'm saying.  Result: Not on your life. However, I wouldn't pass up a white rose with pink touches on the petals--those are just gorgeous.

3. Yellow Rose: Soooo, the popular kid in school! Okay, I know there is the famous song, The Yellow Rose of Texas, but the only Texas flower for me is the bluebonnet--love them. Result: Wouldn't turn 'em away. ;)

4.  Pink Rose: Poetic romance and sweetness. Aside from the fact that it's my very favorite color, the pink rose has always struck me as the one who quietly sits in the background, not needing to be the center of attention or flaunted about. I hardly see these featured, certainly when compared to the others.  Result: We have a winner! 

My two very favorite flowers: Pretty Pink Roses and Happy Daisies!

Please, no one tell me a bad story involving pink roses, I beg you. 

Wow...this was a random post...I never know where my pre-Vomit Day mind will carry me.

***Aw, who the heck am I kidding? I'd be jumping up and down, clapping, and doing the happy dance over any color rose at this point. ***