When People Say Mean Things

Sometimes people say mean things. For whatever reason, they can't help themselves. 

Maybe they knock your lifestyle, your choices, your family, your significant other, your job, or even your looks.

Maybe they're just joking around...maybe they're serious...maybe they want to bring you down...and maybe you shouldn't care. 

Don't let someone's words get you down. 

When someone feels the need to verbally lash out at another for no apparent reason, don't get mad (though you may want to)...don't get sad (because they'd love that and it's a useless emotion)...and don't get even (despite your knee-jerk reaction to spew venom right back--yes, this would be more fun, but would you feel good afterward? Wait. Don't answer that). 

Instead, feel sorry for them...because anyone who feels the need to be a jackass clearly has more issues than you could ever imagine having. And that alone is a damn good reason to feel grateful in the face of bullies (of all ages).

Remember: it's your life, not his, hers, or theirs. Yours. Chin up, square shoulders, and move on. And if you want to flip 'em the finger on the sly...aw, hell, go for it.