Award Time: Pay It Forward Award

What’s better than an award to kick off a long weekend? How about two?! Technically, one was from a while ago. *blushes*  Bad me.  Not to worry, I will do it justice in its very own post (I baby these awards, huh?).  

For today, we have the Good Bloggers Pay It Forward Award. 

Somnia recently stumbled upon my little corner of bloggersville and I’m so very glad she did.  Not only is she a talented writer, but she is strong, honest, funny, and amazingly supportive of her fellow bloggers.  And let me tell you, she loves her country music...and loves cheering on the Mavs!  I’m incredibly honored to receive this award from her.

You know how awards come with rules?  I kinda don’t like calling them rules, so I’m going the pirate route and renaming them guidelines.

So, the guidelines for this award are as follows:

1. Name the blogger who gave me this award. (See Above)
2. Post a link to their blog.  (See Above, and please visit when you have a chance--she's a sweetheart!)
3. Pay it forward to five more bloggers--very difficult task, but I'd like to pay it forward to some new blogging friends. 

Chanel at Fabulously Neurotic

Mrs. B at Go Ahead, Take a Bite

Carole at Carole Reid Artist 

Anna at Artist's Charm

Beliza at A Series of Random Thoughts

Like I have said before, I am awful at selecting only a few bloggers when everyone is so deserving (I always feel so dang guilty).  I just think the world of all of formally pay it forward to EVERYONE. I'm such a dang softy!

*Note: No idea why the font and size changed. :/ Apologies.