Tempest Rising by Tracey Deebs: Review

Tempest Rising
By: Tracy Deebs

Format: Hardcover, 352 pages
Published: May 2011; Bloomsbury USA
Source: Received ARC from publisher
Challenges: 2011 Debut Author Challenge

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Summary (from Goodreads): Tempest Maguire wants nothing more than to surf the killer waves near her California home; continue her steady relationship with her boyfriend, Mark; and take care of her brothers and surfer dad. But Tempest is half mermaid, and as her seventeenth birthday approaches, she will have to decide whether to remain on land or give herself to the ocean like her mother. The pull of the water becomes as insistent as her attraction to Kai, a gorgeous surfer whose uncanny abilities hint at an otherworldly identity as well. And when Tempest does finally give in to the water's temptation and enters a fantastical underwater world, she finds that a larger destiny awaits her—and that the entire ocean's future hangs in the balance.

My Review: Mermaid stories seem to be sneaking up on YA fiction. There were so many good elements in this book, surfing, cool dads, California, and lots of good undersea lore.

But, unfortunately, this book seemed like just a set up for the rest of the series. Many reviewers have mentioned that the beginning of the book is very slow. I agree. There was a lot of set-up that could have been condensed or even skipped.

And then there is the love triangle. At the beginning of the book, Tempest describes Mark as her "on again, off again, but currently on boyfriend." But, it's never clearly explained why their relationship is rocky, because all she has to say is nice things about Mark. And except for one brief moment of passion, their relationship is sadly lukewarm. Ah well, mortal men never do stand much of a chance when there is an even hotter paranormal in the background.

Ultimately, I didn't love the book, but I know that there are those that will love it. Frankly, it did make me wish that I knew how to surf, or lived in San Diego or at least somewhere near a beach or warm. It's going to be a great summer read for some, but if you don't like paranormal, this one isn't going to put you on the bandwagon.

My Rating:

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