The Lost Saint by Bree Despain: Review

The Lost Saint
By: Bree Despain

Format: Hardcover, 404 Pages
Published: December 28, 2010; EgmontUSA
Source: Purchased E-Book
Challenge: 2011 E-Book Challenge

Summary (from Goodreads): A family destroyed. A love threatened. An enemy returns.

Grace Divine made the ultimate sacrifice to cure Daniel Kalbi. She was infected with the werewolf curse while trying to save him, and lost her beloved brother in the process.

Desperate to find Jude, Grace befriends Talbot, a newcomer to town. But as the two grow closer, Grace's relationship with Daniel is put in danger - in more ways than one.

Unaware of the dark path she is walking, Grace begins to give into the wolf inside of her - not realizing that an enemy has returned and a deadly trap is about to be sprung.

Bree Despain delivers sizzling romance and thrilling action in the heart-pounding sequel to the The Dark Divine.

My Review: Bree Despain was on panel during Life, The Universe, and Everything all about writing sequels. And it's apparent that she knows what she's doing with The Lost Saint.

There were a lot of things that were done very well with this book. The absolute meltdown of Grace's mother, and the desire of her father to try and reconcile his family are heartbreaking and very real. The life that looked so perfect from the outside in The Dark Divine crumble and show how thin the facade was.

Daniel and Grace's relationship develops, and along with the excitement of a new relationship, there are boundaries that are defined, and a lot of betrayal of trust. So much so, that there were times where I found it just a little bit frustrating that they were in a relationship and yet unwilling to share important details about their nature and whereabouts with one another. Given the situation that Daniel and Grace are in during the second book, it seemed out of place that they would just not tell each other what they are up to.

While many of the events of the book were pretty predictable, the one that absolutely threw me was the interaction between Grace and Jude. Without getting into the details, it absolutely threw me. And I loved the surprise.

I wasn't in love with the cliffhanger ending, but all in all, I thought that it was a solid second installment to the trilogy, and I'm excited to read the third.

My Rating: