Calling All Brain Cells

I'm tiredExhausted.  Aw, hell, I'm a zombie.  Hey, that would make for an interesting character--a virgin zombie. Actually, no, that would be seriously lame.

Don't mind me...I'm just rambling because I have hardly slept in three days, with last night producing zip, zilch, nada for slumber land.  I can't even get the dang sandman these days. Very distressing. 

So, since my brain cells have gone on strike, I'll be randomly rambling about nothingness.  Fun.

* Serious respect to Chad Ochocinco for attempting to RIDE A BULL.  For real.  And not just any bull--a PBR big boy named Deja Blu.  Though he only stayed on for 1.5 seconds, you have to give him serious credit for trying something so dangerous. Did I mention I love bull riding? Been watching for years.  My favorite bull is Big Tex...back in the day it was Reindeer Dippin.  You wouldn't know I'm a Texan, would you?

* Red Sox swept the Yankees this weekend. Sigh. Yankees, what's goin' on? 

* V and No Ordinary Family were canceled. I don't know why I even bother to watch t.v. dramas anymore, considering they always get canceled before anything is resolved.  Instead of trying to recreate another LOST, failing, and canceling in the middle of a story, maybe they should order a set amount of episodes on the condition that the storyline wrap up. I suppose it would be like a 6-13 episode miniseries.  If they want to order more at a later date, fine, but at least we would have a beginning, middle, and end to fall back on when they do, in all likelihood, cancel it at some point.  Or what about a 2-hour t.v. movie to wrap everything up for loyal viewers? To just drop them in the middle of the story is just plain mean. >:( Yeah, I'm a little cranky about it. I really liked those shows.  What power will George have? We'll never know.  How will humans beat Anna after she got her bliss on? We can only guess.

* Last night's Game Of, lots to see.  Could have done without the horse's head moment, though (My reaction: "What's he gonna do with that sword? What's he gonna to do to the horsey? What's he...noooooo! My eyes!").  

* Every time I see the trailer for the final Harry Potter film, I get really sad.  Is anyone else going to miss this series?  Do I have to ask?

* It's doughnut, not donut.  Thanks Dunkin' Donuts for creating a spelling complex in today's youth. Good doughnuts, though.

* Krispy Kreme glazed doughnuts are little pieces of heaven on earth.  Try and have just one...dare you. ;)

* I was told I "need to be" the next Bachelorette.  Wonder how many men would sign up to meet a virgin?  Don't answer that.