My legs are weak, my voice is crackly, I'm sweatin' like a stuck pig...and I love it!

The Dallas Mavericks did what so many thought they couldn't: beat the Lakers on their turf.  They worried me a bit with some fouls that had me slapping my head, as well as a series of "Oh, Mother of God, I'm gonna hurl if they keep coughing up the ball!"  But, we've got a great bench, Dirk is just phenomenal (as a basketball fan, I feel privileged to watch him play; as a Mavericks' fan, I'm grateful he's playin' for us), and we know how to play tough. 

When the Mavs were down, they clawed their way back against one helluva good team in the Lakers. My Mavs played undeniably HARD--gritty, gritty play!

It's called heart--this team has it.  If the Mavs can keep this going--play THIS hard in every single game--look out! 

Long, tough road.  Fantastic start.