Armchair BEA Vlog: Final Day

This is the final video for Armchair BEA and the mayhem that ensued.

I should explain that the This is Teen launch that is mentioned in this video is Scholastic's new initiative to use Facebook to connect authors with readers. The reception beforehand and the signing after was magnificent. It was so delightful to meet and really talk with Maggie, Libba and Meg. I'm referring to them by their first names, because I'm pretty sure that we are good friends now.

Libba told me a fantastic story about how she and Shannon Hale were on a plane together and Shannon tried to ease Libba's fear of flying by singing a John Denver song. Then they sang all the songs they could think of that were sung by artists who had died in a plane crash.

And, after speaking with Meg, I think I have her really excited to do a signing in Salt Lake City. So, for all you Utah folks, I think it's time to let our local indies and libraries know that we are dying to see Meg Cabot!

I hope you have all enjoyed the videos that I have been posting throughout the week. It's been such a pleasure to show you the fun things that have been happening while I'm in New York.