In My Postbox #38

In My Mailbox idea from Kristi @ The Story Siren, and all links take you to Amazon UK.

Hey everyone. Yes it's Sunday afternoon and my IMP posts normally go live like midnightish, I had this all ready just forgot to scheuele it. In the end that's a good thing as I just got another book while out. Haha! Anyway, hope you're all well and have had a good book week!


Tiger's Quest by Colleen Houck.
Got the first one of this series on my reading pile and very much looking forward to getting around to them! Anything with tigers for me is a MUST! Tigers are perhaps my favourite animal of all time! Thanks to Hodder for this!

Edda by Conor Kostick.
This was sent by the lovely people over at O'Brien in Ireland! Thanks guys. Sounds great, and I can't wait to get stuck in!


I am a massive Darren Shan book and love love loved the first book of this series when it came out last year! (If you do a bit of looking around, you can find my review of it on here somewhere. Called Birth of a Killer!!). Very excited to read this one especially after the beautiful cover art revealed for the next book in the series due out in October! Darren never disappoints!

And another Darren Shan book!
Procession of the Dead by Darren Shan/D.B. Shan.
The first in a trilogy for adults. Saw this in The Works and couldn't resist!

Winning the award for the longest title of the year, I am currently reading this and it is as funny as hell. Just the book I needed at this present moment in time! Review as and when I've finished reading it!

And finally...

Yep. Wanted this for ages, am a massive fan of the True Blood tv show and always wondered how these differed, and after a little chat with Caroline of Portrait Of A Woman, I decided to bite the bullet and buy this boxset for a bargainous £26!!! There's 9 of the novels here and then the collection book of short Sookie stories. Shall be powering through this and then getting the other books that have been published since!!

So there we go folks. Hope you all have a great week and some very happy reading!