What Happened to Goodbye by Sarah Dessen: Review

What Happened to Goodbye
By: Sarah Dessen

Format: Hardcover, 402 pages
Published: May 10, 2011; Penguin Young Readers Group
Source: Received at BEA

Synopsis (from Goodreads): In the past two years, Mclean Sweet has moved four times. At each stop, she assumes a new persona, but it never quite works. Whether she's an effervescent cheerleader or an intense drama queen, nothing can permanently dispel the turmoil and rage at her mother since her parents' divorce. Sarah Dessen's novel about a teenager and her restaurant manager father captures the vulnerability that young people often experience after the dissolution of their family. A compelling story; strong characterization; and with a touch of romance.

My Review: This is the first Sarah Dessen book that I have completed, and after finishing it (teary-eyed), I wondered why I hadn't read her books before. I started reading this on the last day of BEA and was immediately sucked into Mclean's story. What Happened to Goodbye is a marvelous story about a girl that is desperately searching for an identity after her parent's tragic and public divorce shattered her world.

I loved the dynamics of the parents in this book. Mclean's father is busy with his restaurant duties and while he loves Mclean, he really lets her do her own thing. Her mother on the other hand, wants so desperately to be close to Mclean again, and does anything she can (including getting lawyers involved) to see her. Mclean wants the distance that her father gives her, but also needs the closeness that her mother offers. No wonder she is so conflicted.

The romance in this book is very secondary. So much so that it may bother some readers. Even once you think the romance has gotten off the ground, it kind of sputters and dies. I am personally okay with that. It's real, and I much more enjoyed learning about Mclean and who she really is. with that said though, I do wish that more time had been spent exploring Dave's character and how he really feels about his family. But, I suppose that's for another book to tackle.

Like many of Sarah's other books (that I've started and have yet to finish), I would very heartily recommend it to teens that I know because of it's great voice, and fantastic characters. If you love Sarah Dessen's work, you aren't going to be disappointed by this book.

My Rating: