Utah Book Blogger Newsletter

For many bloggers, the thing that keeps us coming back to our blogs is the community. I love seeing familiar faces when I go to events and signings, and I feel so lucky to be in a state with such a great book-loving community.

To that end, my newest venture is to help make our group even more cohesive and influential. So, I'd like to introduce to you, the Utah Book Blogger newsletter. This newsletter will be a monthly feature of the events in the area, spotlights on bloggers and authors, and invitations to exclusive author events. (Yes, I'm really serious on that last one).

I know that many of you have given your blog and email information to Natasha (Maw Books), Suey (It's All About Books), and Becky (One Literature Nut). I'm asking you to fill out this form because I don't want to send out this newsletter to anyone that doesn't want it. My goal is provide quality content that you will want to read, but I understand if you don't want any more clutter in your inbox.

So, please fill out the form below. Keep in mind, this is ONLY for book bloggers. That is pretty much solely for the reason that if you aren't a blogger, many of the things in the newsletter won't be relevant to you. However, if you are a published or soon to be published author, please feel welcome to sign up as well.

As a sidenote, I am currently coordinating an event with a young adult author doing an appearance in Salt Lake this month. So, if you sign up by Wednesday for the newsletter, you will receive an invitation to that event. (Believe me, you are NOT going to want to miss it.)

Also, please spread the word about the newsletter through twitter, blogs, etc. Thank you so much!

If the embedded form doesn't work for you, use this link.