Why Wednesday #2: Why Couldn't You Find One Man By Age 32?

This question comes in various forms: "You mean, you couldn't just do it with one guy?" "There wasn't one man you could see yourself with?" "Not a single man could have been the one?"

Well, seeing as I'm only going to make love when it is LOVE, my choices have been slim; I haven't met many men who actually wanted love.  However, there have been a few who either wanted love, but were gay or bisexual, or wanted love a little too much (i.e. the unhealthy kind).  Then, there are those that are just plain full of themselves, needed to marry within a specific religion, and/or had terrible traits.

*For the record, yes, there was, at one time, one man I thought might possibly be the one, but we'll save that one for another day.*

The following is a list of "candidates" (minus the two blind dates):

2 Gay Men (loved them dearly, but I think certain areas may have been problematic)
1 Bisexual Man (gave me one of the sweetest notes I've ever received)
1 Possible Bisexual Man (I really need a man who is SURE of what he wants, ya know?)
1 Angry-Obsessive Pursuer
1 Spooky-Obsessive Pursuer
1 Xanadu-Hair Guy
1 Sex Addict Adam
1 Mormon Man
1 Cologne Butt Guy (we believe he purposely sprays his derriere with cologne)
1 Monotone Mike
1 Robot Rob
1 Pissed Off Pete
1 Temper Tantrum Tom
1 Bicker Dicker (though I love to playfully spar back and forth, this is ALL he wanted to do)
And a partridge in a pear tree.

I may have forgotten one or two, but I think you get the idea.  As far as I'm concerned, the heart is the most valuable possession any human being can give to another, and I don't take giving my heart away lightly.  I'm just not thinking I want to give my heart to someone who is angry all the time, someone who sprays his a** with cologne just to bend over so every woman in the room can get a whiff, or someone who, I'm sorry to say, resides in Xanadu.