With over 500 million active users on Facebook, 26 million Twitter users, chances are that you have an account. On my right-hand sidebar I've got a little button for each one of the social networking sites that I use, plus a handy RSS feed icon. Each one of those buttons links to my profile page.
Want one for your blog? Luckily, it's very simple.
- Create an HTML gadget.
- To make a simple button, just use this code:
<a href="http://www.goodreads.com/user/show/1178469" target="_blank"><img src="http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i177/namelocee/gr1_48.png" alt="Goodreads" border="0" /></a>Change this web address to your goodreads/facebook/twitter/rss feed page
Change this web address to the link where your button is saved
The code above turns into this:
If you want to make your button centered in the sidebar, put<center> at the front of the code and </center> at the end of the code.
You'll notice that I have four buttons, and they are all in a square. To do that, I used a table. (I'm sure there are other ways to do this, but this was the one that worked flawlessly for me)
<tr> <td>GOODREADS CODE</td> <td>RSS FEED CODE</td> </tr>
<tr> <td>FACEBOOK PAGE CODE</td> <td>TWITTER CODE</td> </tr></table></center>
The <tr> signals a row, and <td> signals a cell. So, at the beginning of the row you have a <tr> then a <td> for the cell. At the end of the first code's cell, add a </td>. For the next cell start a <td> then add a </td> and </tr> to signal the end of the row. Repeat for the second row. Add a <table at the beginning and a </table> at the end, and it should all line up perfectly.
Helpful HTML tip: When you are using code, always remember that each section of code has two parts, a beginning and an end. The beginning starts with a word or symbol inside <>. The end uses a backslash in front of the word or symbol </>. If you forget the beginning or end of the code, it won't work.