Water Woes, Kleenex, & American Idol

Water Woes: I have the hotness...in my hot water heater, that is. Hurray! Turns out, my hot water heater isn't a lemon (shock, because, like y'all, I was beginning to believe otherwise).  Let's see if I can articulate this with some semblance of technical know how: Minerals in the water cause a sludgy build-up in the bottom of the water heater, causing the burners to burn out every 6-8 months or so.  Basically, there's not much I can do about that.  So, I guess I'll have to endure a joyful cold shower every now and then. Yippee.

Kleenex: I think my cold shower dance has triggered my sinuses into NASCAR mode, not that the weather extremes are helping any. Or, maybe my nose just missed its last rendezvous with the oh-so-stylish Kleenex. Guess that means Kleenex is my nose's lovah. 

American Idol: Okay, my favorites tonight:

Scotty--Whatever happens in this competition, this fella has a ticket to Nashville.  Country needs more of those deep, old-school country voices. Scotty has just that.

Pia--She's got the complete package. Solid.

James--He can rock.  He's another one that is consistently good.

Lauren--She's a cutie-pie and she has a great voice.  I do think being sick put some strain on her voice tonight, but she was still good.