Wrong Things, Cold Showers, & Country Music Abuse

First, I'm so sorry I haven't been reading and commenting on blogs lately.  Between a wonky internet connection, deadlines, and, you know, the usual b.s., free time has been slim.  I'm going to start catching up tonight, though. :)

Wrong Things (possibly): (Clarification: This didn't happen to me.  Noooo, I'm still dateless and single).  Okay, so, I am really wanting to hear y'all give me some feedback on something: Imagine meeting a guy.  Imagine hitting it off.  Imagine great conversation, laughter, and an overall fantastic first impression.  Then, all of a sudden, he asks you a couple of questions like the following:

Would you ever consider dying your hair blond...like, really blond? What is the most you have ever weighed? 

Now, do those questions bother you? Any yellow caution flags popping up?  How about some red flags?

Cold Showers: Yep, it has happened again.  My dang hot water heater has decided to flake.  This is a practically new water heater thingy, and this is around the 3rd time it has gagged itself into a catatonic state.  I awoke to barely-there warm water, which proceeded to fade very quickly, leaving me to shower in COLD water.

Do you have any idea how icky it is to shave in ICE COLD WATER? Ouch.  So, shaking like a leaf, I washed my hair, shaved, did the body wash bit, etc., and emerged uber-shivery.  I'm seriously sick of my hot water heater.

Oh, and, once again, I think I can safely say that a cold shower does nothing for the hormone thing. 

Country Music Abuse: My country music station is so mean.  I get that you are going to hear your fair share of sad songs and love songs--that's country music...it's real and raw.  But, to play three ridiculously heart-wrenching songs in a row? Cruel and unusual punishment.  So, what were the songs? Well, I can't remember the third one...I think I was fairly well bruised by the time song three rolled around, so I scoffed and flicked off the radio.

1.  When I Said I Do--Clint Black & Lisa Hartman Black (a happy marriage love song). My reaction: Bite me.

2.  Little Moments--Brad Paisley (one of my very favorite songs...and so true).  My reaction: Sigh. Smile. Maybe one day.

Take a listen and smile.