Blogger Confidential: Bloggers as Aspiring Authors

Have you ever been faced with an issue while reading or blogging and thought: I wonder what other bloggers think about this?  No matter what genre or audience you blog for, we all face the same problems.  Are you a publisher or author wondering what goes on in a blogger's (and by extension a reader's) head?

Blogger confidential is a series of 12 questions asked to 11 bloggers about the nitty gritty details of blogging. Everything from what prompts a blogger to pick up a book, to what happens when a book doesn't live up to its hype.  This series was inspired by Wastepaper Prose's Author Insight series.

If you feel inspired by any of these questions, leave your answer in the comments, or create your own post!

This week's question:

There are bloggers who are aspiring authors. Do you feel like a blogger can also be actively pursuing a novel, or could it possibly burn bridges in the future by writing negative reviews?

"I think some bloggers can definitely write. They understand the market really well and from their critiquing understand what works in a narrative. I think there are issues in the professional relationship arena that could arise. But honesty should be appreciated. If their reviewing reflects a critical eye then why wouldn't a publisher want to sign them if their book is good?" Adele from Persnickety Snark

"I'm one of those bloggers! Sure, there's always the risk of running, in the future, into someone whose book you gave a critical review to. But you can't go into blogging thinking that, otherwise you won't be able to learn. One of the most commonly given advice to aspiring writers is that they read whatever they can get their hands on, even stuff they end up not enjoying. There's merit in figuring out what didn't work for you in those books as well. And if I ever meet an author whose work I reviewed critically, well... there's always the duck-and-run." Steph from Steph Su Reads

"I definitely think you could do both, if you can find the time that is. There are so many books to be reviewed that the occasional negative review won't hurt if done properly. There's no need to be rude in a review, even for a book you couldn't stand. If you offer constructive criticism and are honest in your reviews it's hard to believe you would be burning bridges. Besides, the amount of positive connections you make will far out-weigh the negative." Danielle from There's a Book

"I think there are good ways to write negative reviews. I don't see how the
two can't be separated. I have read some bits from some of the books and a
lot are really good fiction." Pam from Bookalicious

"That's an excellent question. It's possible that writing negative reviews might burn bridges. I know a lot of writers will only write about what they like and I think that's a fair way to do things." Amy from My Friend Amy

"Absolutely. As long as they do it in a respectful and professional way. I think a lot of time bloggers do not consider what they say and how it can affect how others see them. Like I said earlier, I write negative reviews. It does not happen that often, but it does happen. I feel like as long as you are honest with your feelings, but respectful to the author / publisher then there should be no problem. However, I do not work in the publishing world, so I am not completely sure on their take on this." Kate from The Neverending Shelf

"I guess a blogger who's an aspiring author could burn bridges by writing a negative review if they were a jerk about it, but the book industry, while being a small pond, is a big enough pond that this probably isn't an issue." Trish from Hey Lady! Whatcha Reading?

"Why not? There are some authors whose blogs I read religiously, but whose books are not particularly for me. And vice versa. Then there are some who are screamingly good at both and who awe me with their mad ability to write so prolifically and with such wit and skill. I don’t think anyone should stay away from writing or blogging because they’re afraid. Perceptive readers are able to sort out the differences between the two and will return over and over again to those they love." Angie from Angieville

"I think if I was an aspiring author, I would never write a negative review again. Thankfully I am not. It's hard enough as a blogger, knowing I may come face-to-face with an author, or just knowing that he/she might read my review and be hurt by it." Andye from Reading Teen

"I know there are a lot of authors out there who will not write negative reviews at all because they recognize the "friend factor." I'm not pursuing a novel, so I don't know. My gut tells me though that it's possible." Natasha from Maw Books

"I’m not one of those aspiring authors, but I feel like there is the potential for a negative impact. If your blog is relatively small, it probably won’t impact you. If you write negative reviews that are supported by valid points, it probably won’t impact you. If you write reviews that attack the author or publisher, you might have a problem." Sara from The Hiding Spot