
As I try to develop my blog more, I'm looking for a few things/people that I hope you all may help me with.

1) I'd love to have more writers who are also Harry Potter fans to be willing to guest post.  An initial post on how Harry Potter or JK Rowling has influenced you or your writing would be great, but could open up beyond that in the future, as long as it fits with the blog.

2) I'd love to connect with more fan artists who would be so generous as to let me use some of their Harry Potter fanart on the blog.

3) I'd like to know about more blogs out there that examine Harry Potter either as literature or for writers like we do here.  Or just to connect with other great fan and writer blogs.

4) Any questions for the blog -- is there a topic you'd like me to cover?  A technique JK Rowling uses you'd love to have analyzed? I'd love your suggestions.

Thanks for any ideas you can give for any of these points!