Almost The Best

So, it's March, the month of little dancing leprechauns, four leaf clovers, and luck. Maybe it takes a little time for the luck o' the Irish to kick in--it is only the 2nd, after all--but, by the way this week has started, I would say luck is taking a nap...with the the clover.

Fellow Singleton: "You do realize that at this stage in the game, we will never be the one."

Me, utterly confused by out-of-blue comment: "Huh?"

FS: "Think about it, any man we meet our age or older, will probably have been in love, married, something along those lines...he'll have found the one already. She will always be the one we are measured against, even if he hates her."

Me: "Again...huh?"

FS: "Single women in their 30s or older will never be the best, but only the best the guy can do."


Me: "Um, that was harsh. So, you're saying hypothetical him will never see us as the best."

FS: "Right. Only the best he can do."

Me: "In other words, he settling."

FS: "Yep. We need to get used to lonely or being second best."


So, are we destined to just be someone's "good enough?" Will he always long for the someone he never had or the one it never worked with?

Honestly, wouldn't it be kinda sad if a man (or woman, if the roles are reversed) compared every woman to a former flame? I mean, there's a reason it didn't work in the first place. And, wouldn't that mean she wasn't the one in the end?

I don't want or expect to be every man's best; I just want to be one man's man's one.

There is a song by Brandy called, Almost Doesn't Count.  Yeah. That. I am not cool with being someone's almost something special. I think it was kinda like that with Wasn't--if only I was older, if only I lived closer...if only, if only...thing is, when it comes to matters of the heart--to the possibility of happily ever after--there is no if only...there is no almost.

Ugh. My head feels jello-y-blah.