In My Postbox #31

In My Mailbox idea from Kristi @ The Story Siren, and all links take you to Amazon UK.

Well the clocks changed today in England. Forward an hour. So we've lost an hour. Of sleep. Of whatever else we have to do today. And on my only day off work this week. How considerate! :D Haha. Anyway, happy Sunday guys! The second week of IMP in a row! Woo! Anyway, I got lots of exciting things through my postbox this week, so without further ado...

Dead Man's Cove by Lauren St John (Paperback)
I read this back last Summer when the amazing Nina at Orion sent me a proof copy for review (said review can be seen here!!!) and now she sent me over a paperback copy, out in shops right now, because... I'M QUOTED! :D :D :D

(I apologise in advance for the bad pic quality. Took it on my iPod as my camera just made the text all blurry!)

Seriously, check it out, it's a brilliant book! Thanks Orion!!

Shadows on the Moon by Zoe Marriott
Described to me in an email from Walker books as: It is a powerful narrative filled with magic, love and revenge with a valiant female lead set in fairy tale Japan; this text turns Cinderella on its head and discloses both love’s beauty and its terror simultaneously... I just knew I had to give it a shot. Out in July! Be sure to check it out! Thanks to Walker Books for this!

Also got some very cool things non book related...

Deluxe Edition from HMV! So cool. It folds out and is in a digi pack.

Seriously! I know a lot of people write her off, but this album is incredible. A right party album. Her best yet, in my opinion. Even non Britney fans I've played this to are loving it. Very dubsteppy and poppy at the same time. :D

And... something I am majorly insanely excited about....

MY NINTENDO 3DS!!!!!!!! :D YAY!!!!!
After months of waiting, having pre-ordered back in January my copy was finally delivered on release day... FRIDAY! Came with Nintendogs and Cats in 3D! Sadly I had to wait till gone freaking 7 thanks to work! But anyway, it's cool! I love it. It's proper 3D. So so cool! :D Can't wait to get some more games for it, and they've announced they're gunna be releasing films in 3D for it! :D AMAZING!

So there you go! That's what I got this week through the letter box! What did you guys get?!