Gallagher Girls 1-2 Mini Review

I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You
By: Ally Carter
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Synopsis (From Goodreads): The Gallagher Academy for Exceptional Young Women is a fairly typical all-girls school—that is, if every school teaches advanced martial arts in PE, chemistry always consists of the latest in chemical warfare, and everyone breaks CIA codes for extra credit in computer class. So in truth, while the Gallagher Academy might say it's a school for geniuses what they really mean is spies. But what happens when a Gallagher Girl falls for a boy who doesn't have a code name?

Cammie Morgan may be fluent in fourteen languages and capable of killing a man in seven different ways (three of which involve a piece of uncooked spaghetti), but the Gallagher Academy hasn't prepared her for what to do when she meets an ordinary boy who thinks she's an ordinary girl. Sure, she can tap his phone, hack into his computer, and track him through a mall without him ever being the wiser, but can she have a regular relationship with a regular boy who can never know the truth about her? Cammie may be an elite spy in training, but in her sophomore year, she's doing something riskier than ever—she's falling in love.

My Review:  This book was utterly charming. I have found myself recommending this book over and over again to people, and I only read it about a week ago.  Through a glitch on my part with Paperback Swap, I ended up with a paperback and hardback copy. I have lent them both out.

This book isn't filled with fantastic prose that makes you feel 30 years old and educated. However, after just having finished LAST NIGHT I SANG TO THE MONSTER, and BEAUTIFUL, I needed this book. It was fun, and light-hearted. I could see myself being a lot like Cammie.  She is smart, but blends in. She is rarely noticed, especially when she doesn't want to be.  I think many girls feel like they fall in this same category. Plus, as a spy in training, she has access to tools that give information about her crush, Josh, that I would have KILLED for in high school.  Hacking into email, digging through garbage, tracking devices on shoes, you name it.

However, the best thing about this book was the witty dialogue. Both internal and external. This is my favorite part from the book:

"His name is Josh," I said finally.

"Cammie!" Liz cried, as if she couldn't believe I was giving such sensitive intel to the enemy.

But Macey only repeated, "Josh," as if trying it on for size.

"Yeah," I said.  "I met him when we had a mission in town, and... well..."

"Now you can't stop thinking about him... You always want to know what he's doing... You'd kill to know if he's thinking about you..." Macey said, like a doctor reeling off symptoms.

"Yes!" I cried. "That's soooo it!"

She shrugged. "That's too bad kid."


"He thinks I'm homeschooled for religious reasons."

"Yeah," she said, nodding as if that were answer enough. "I'd say you've still got a shot."

OH.MY.GOSH. It was if the gray storm clouds had parted and Macey McHenry was the sun, bringing wisdom and truth into the eternal darkness.  (Or something a lot less melodramatic.)
It is very rarely that I laugh out loud when reading a book. But, I was so smitten by the witty dialogue and fun characters that I was laughing until tears came.  Well played, Ms. Carter, well played.

This series is a must-read for young teenage girls. I found myself dreaming about what it would be like to go to a secret school for spies. You'll love it.

(spoilers from first book ahead!)

Cross My Heart and Hope to Spy
By: Ally Carter
Copy purchased from

Synopsis (From Goodreads):  After staking out, obtaining, and then being forced to give up her first boyfriend, Josh, all Cammie Morgan wants is a peaceful semester. But that's easier said than done when you're a CIA legacy and go to the premier school in the world... for spies.

Cammie Morgan may have a genius IQ and attend the best school in the country, but as she starts the spring semester of her sophomore year there are a lot of things she doesn't know. Like will her ex-boyfriend even remember she exists? And how much trouble did she really get in last semester? And, most of all, exactly why is her mother acting so strangely?

All Cammie wants is a nice, normal semester, but she's about to learn her greatest lesson yet—that when you go to a school for spies, nothing is ever as it seems.

My Review: This book picks up almost right where the first leaves off. I found this book to be a little less satisfying than the first. Mostly because the plot was pretty much the same. A few of the characters were swapped, but there was a lot of the same types of actions.

Like Cammie, I kept wondering how much of her world was genuine.

But, much of the things I loved about the first book are still there. Witty dialogue, fun characters, and an imaginative twist on high school life.  Cute, nice (albeit sarcastic) boys abound, and her friends are behind her 100%. Two thing I'd like to see, however, are more of Bex's personality. I feel like she's just Cammie's sidekick. I want Bex to come out and shine a little more. Macey as well. Macey is developing into a character that I really love. She's very sarcastic, but loyal all at the same time.

I wasn't blown away by this sequel, but it was worth reading. I definitely want to continue on with the story since there is so much that can still be done with this world.

My Rating:

Profanity: None
Sexuality: Mild kissing and hand-holding
Drugs and Alcohol: None
Violence: Mild