Tell Me What to Read: August Edition

Tell Me What to Read: August Edition

Thanks to all who submitted recommendations last month for Tell Me What to Read. This time, I'm raising the stakes. Sort of. If your recommendation is selected, I'll send you a SWAG pack with bookmarks and other goodies. Everyone likes a little incentive, right? And all you international readers are eligible to win because I love you, and I can spare a dollar to send it on over.  Also, check out Everyday Reading and Angieville for more Tell Me What to Read fun!


1. Comment with the title of one book you think I should read (any book you want). One title only, please, lest my brain explode.

2. I'll select one comment at random and announce it on the blog on August 9.

3. Please check my Goodreads Read Shelf and Review Page for a list of books that I have already read.  On the off-chance that I've already read the book you select, I'll be forced to select another recommendation.

4. I'll get a copy of the book and read it by the end of August.

5. I'll write a review of it here. Even if I hate the book, I will not hate you.

6. Recommendations open until 11:59 PM August 8.

Fill out the form to enter!