The Looking Glass Wars [Review]

Written by: Frank Beddor.
Published by: Egmont Books.
Format: Paperback.
Rating: 4/5.

Official synopsis: "Alyss, born in Wonderland, is destined to be a warrior queen. After a bloody coup topples the Heart regime, Alyss is exiled to another world entirely, where she is adopted into a new family, renamed Alice and befriended by Lewis Carroll. At age 20 she returns to Wonderland to battle Redd and lead Wonderland into its next golden age of imagination."

I don't think I've read such a weird book in a long time - and I love it. I found this book utterly gripping and very refreshing. 

I think the concept is the most captivating thing within this book. It is just so fantastic. Princess Alyss Heart is sent to the real world to protect her, she is made to forget of Wonderland, and years later she returns to the world she has forgot. It makes for some very entertaining reading.

The sheer imagination Beddor has used when creating this version of Wonderland is mind-boggling. The man deserves a medal, that's for sure. The imagery is quite simply amazing. The characters are fantastically imagined and created.  Alyss, Redd, General Doppleganger (who can split into two to become General Dopple and General Ganger), Hatter Madigan are all based on the characters created by Lewis Carol but with fantastic twists that make them brand new (and original) characters. 

I cannot stress just how amazing this book is. Gripping, written with consumate skill, I cannot wait to see what happens next in Seeing Redd! You seriously need to pick up this book!

My thanks to Jenny at Egmont for my copy!