Dale Earnhardt Jr. = Redskins Fan = Dilemma

Dilemma: As a fellow Dallas Cowboys fan kindly reminded me, Dale Jr., my NASCAR driver, is a Redskins fan. Said Dallas Cowboys fan also believes I am a traitor to the Cowboys because I pull for a driver who pulls for the Redskins.

Personally, I see the two as mutually exclusive. In NASCAR, it's Dale; in football, it's the Cowboys. Simple as that.

So, what is this dilemma? There is no question Dale has had a rough season...last night was no exception. You know, I'd like to see the man have something to smile about--a Redskins win would do it, I'm sure. Still don't see the dilemma? Check this quote by Dale after last night's rough race:

"I'm going to go to the Redskins game (Sunday). Maybe that will cheer me up. If they get their ass kicked, that's not going to be good. Monday will be a bad day." (Dale's Rough Night).

Yeah.  He's going to the game.  The NASCAR fan in me would love to see him find that spark he needs to head into the week.  The Cowboys fan that I am says, "Yeah, sorry about that, but ain't noooooo way.  Game on. Bring it. Grrr." Okay, I added the grr, but still...

So, to address my fellow Cowboys friend, I will NOT be pulling for the 'Skins--THAT would constitute a traitorous act against my Cowboys.  I WILL be cheering for my 'Boys with the same intensity I've always had.

However, in keeping with my need to try and find the bright side of things, should my Cowboys not make it out with a victory....GAG...I will take some solace in knowing that my NASCAR driver is a little happier.

Game on.