No True Blood is the first sort-of supernatural story to help us ease from True Blood Tuesday to no True Blood Tuesday.

Not too long ago, a man I hardly knew asked me the following question: "What are you?"

Now, if you are a fan of the True Blood series, you might recognize that question. In my case, the man was not a Bill-type, dang it...and it wasn't at night, so I definitely didn't uncover some mythological realm roaming amongst us lowly humans. 

Me, a little perplexed by his question: "Um, well, I'm a girl..."

Him: "No, I mean, are you for real?"

Me, utterly perplexed: "Um, yes...I mean, I'm me. I'm just me...who I am...if that's what you're asking.  If I may, did I walk into some alternate universe where girls are a rare species or something because you're kinda creeping me out right now?"

Him, smiling: "Sorry, it's just...there's something different about you."

Me, thinking: Dear God, am I unwittingly flashing my virginity? Am I virgin flasher? Should I just throw on a trench coat, rock a pair of Manolos, and let it all out? Gah!

Me, clearing my throat: "I'm sorry, but...huh?"

Him: "Can't quite put my finger on it...whatever it is, it's a good thing."

Me: "Oh, um, thank you...I think." So, there's an it about me and that's a good thing. Hmm. Not sure I'm loving the word choice. Still, I'm sure he meant well.

Okay, not so much supernatural, but it did get me thinking: Can some men sense a virgin? Am I unknowingly wearing it like a designer label (yeah, maybe some wouldn't see it as a designer label, but, you know, I gotta give myself something positive, right? And it's not like it's a common's a little more exclusive, right?  Hence, designer label.).

Oooh, can I claim it as a superpower?!?!?!  I'm totally in the bright side, positive-thinking mode today...pretty soon I'm going to annoy the crud outta myself.