Weekly Digest: September 12

I can hardly believe that it is almost mid-way through September already.  I love this time of year. The time of year when you can bring out the pumpkin spice candles and cardigans and yet there is still a lingering hint of summer in the air.

I got a few things in my mailbox over the past couple weeks, but frankly, I can't remember what they are. And now they are in "the stack" and I didn't feel like racking my brain trying to figure it out.

But, I was able to go to Kiersten White's signing at The King's English yesterday afternoon. It was phenomenal! I had arranged with Kiersten to meet with her beforehand and do an interview. However, due to traffic (stupid Ute football game, go Cougs!) she didn't get there in time. But, I was able to ask a few questions during the Q&A session after her reading. Jenny won the contest, and you can see her question featured in this video. It was, "Which paranormal creatures is your favorite and why?"

Julie and I brought some of our Literati group to the signing, and they had a blast. It was really neat to see how thrilled these girls were at seeing an author, and they were totally blown away by The King's English and its selection of young adult literature.

After the signing, we went to Wendy's and decided to do a photo shoot with our newly acquired copies of Paranormalcy.

Julie and the girls with their copies of Paranormalcy

The whole group!

Just the girls having a good time

Reenacting the cover of Paranormalcy

I've been in a little bit of a reading funk lately. I've had a lot going on, and reading has kind of taken a backseat. But, I'm ready to get back into the groove this week. Here's what I've got planned this week:

To read:
Pegasus by Robin McKinley
I Am Number Four by Pittacus Lore
Plain Kate by Erin Bow

Read to review:
Daughter of the Forest by Juliet Marillier

On the blog next week:
Firelight by Sophie Jordan review and GIVEAWAY!
Book Blogger Appreciation Week Interview
Daughter of the Forest by Juliet Marillier review
Blogger Confidential