NEWS: Becca Fitzpatrick Announces Third Hush, Hush Book!

Today, Becca Fitzpatrick, author of Hush, Hush and it's upcoming sequel, Crescendo, announced that fans can now look forward to a third book in the series. Tempest will be released next Auntumn!

I for one am quite excited about this. I really enjoyed Hush, Hush and am eagerly anticipating Crescendo which is released in little over a months time (14th October).

Becca said: "This past summer, I had a long chat with my agent, and told her I'd written up a daring proposal for a third book in the series, and wanted her to submit it to my editor. I was just as nervous during this submission as I was with HUSH, HUSH, waiting for her answer and fearing she'd hate the proposal...but...she was crazy about it. And so in August, I began writing TEMPEST, the third installment in the HUSH, HUSH series. I can't say much about it yet, since I'm only about a third of the way through the first draft, but I will say that it's shaping up to be all kinds of things I love: Twisty-turny, full of suspense, a little creepy, and most of all, there are some pretty electric scenes between Patch and Nora."

Can't wait! You can read Becca's full blog entry here.