Christmas Music Hates Me (Yesterday's Merry Fun)

Last Night: Boring day. Still, much to tell in another post, thanks to some rather opinionated friends and family. Spent night enjoying Christmas music on the radio until...I-wish-I-had-someone-at-Christmas tune came on. Fine. Okay. Breathe. Next song is sure to be Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer or Frosty The Snowman.  Hmm.  Don't recognize new song.  Oh My Holy Santa.  You're-my-Christmas-miracle-and-I-love-you-forever song. Hateful.

Immediately shut off cruel radio and turned on Alanis Morisette. This worked until I remembered she is now happily married and expecting her first baby. Singletonville's greatest angry resident is no more...she has crossed to the other side, where grass grows green instead of brown...or at least where there are green patches.

Bit of news coming from Wasn't (last week's conversation): He has a girlfriend. Things have gotten tough, and he calls me. For the first time, we really TALKED. He opened up. I finally got to be the friend I wanted to be with him--giving advice, helping, etc.  STILL, things were said by him...things that tend to muddy the friendship waters.

Bloody hints.

He has a girlfriend and I'm not a home wrecker, never have been, never will be. Sticking to the surface with Wasn't--friend only.

Today, early evening: My brain hurts from thinking. Next post will be revealing. Right now, am tired with headache and in desperate need of a quick nap, Advil, and ice bag.

Sigh, I see they continue to play lovey Christmas songs I've never heard until now. Friendly. Shut off music entirely. No music, no thoughts...apart from BFF's statement made yesterday: "Wasn't wants to be with you. If you were there, his current girlfriend would be out the window. He just needed a warm body." 

Somehow, that doesn't make me feel any better.