The Cowboys Sink To An All Time Low...Coach Fired

I truly feel sorry for anyone who watched last night's "game" between the Dallas Cowboys and the Green Bay Packers. I hesitate to even call it a game, since use of the word game usually implies participation by two or more parties in a mental and/or physical contest. Green Bay played; Dallas did not.

Dallas looked lethargic, lacked passion, and had absolutely no sense of cohesion. It. Was. A. Disgrace.

Final Score? 45-7, Green Bay.  Dallas is now 1-7, our worst start since 1989--you know, the year we had a new head coach, a new QB, a young team...a team that was building, growing, and eventually went on to win 3 Super Bowls in the 1990s.

This is by far the worst I have EVER seen my team. Granted, we were 1-15 in 1989, but we were GROWING...and, boy, did we grow. We had some pretty bad years after the Troy Aikman era, but we were REBUILDING.  In 2010, we HAVE the team and the talent--there is NO excuse for this complete and utter collapse of America's Team. 

Less than an hour ago, Jerry Jones reportedly fired head coach, Wade Phillips. Offensive coordinator, Jason Garrett, has been named the interim head coach. Good move. Not that Jason will ignite any changes, but at least it is a step forward...changes are forthcoming.

Another change I would like to see? Remove Kitna, play Stephen McGee. What do you have to lose? Nothing, I assure you. Clearly the Cowboys have some major holes to fill--this is the season they can experiment with...this is the time you see what you have in your cupboards, before the offseason, before the draft.  Play the kid, see what he's got...see if you can develop him. Is he the future QB of the Dallas Cowboys? You'll never know until you give the kid a chance. 

I've said it before, and I'll say it again, we NEED a Jimmy Johnson-type coach. THAT is the formula that works. PERIOD. My vote? Bill Cowher.

I WANT THIS BACK (as tears sting my eyes...yes, I'm a true fan and I don't apologize for it):