Thanksgivng Cooking Part I

Wake-up: Much too early after going to bed much too late. Will only sleep an hour more.

Wake-up II: Oh Holy Turkey! Slept over 6 more hours!! Very bad start to first Thanksgiving cooking spree! Will now be a cooking sprint!! Oh Gosh, oh gosh, oh gosh, oh gosh. Must not panic.

Haven't slept much since my mom hasn't been well...usually can go on very little, if any, sleep. Why my body chose today to pass out for extra hours I will never understand! Unbelievable!

Lunch: Mission-Cornbread for stuffing recipe.

Okay, so, I use Jiffy cornbread mix--it's what my mom uses for the stuffing; she makes stand-alone cornbread from scratch.

Directions: mix with 1 egg and 1/3 cup milk.

Sounds simple enough.

Will appear slightly bumpy.

Er, what's slightly bumpy?

Stirring ingredients...see, okay, so, at what point is it just slightly bumpy? Reckon if I mix it a bit longer, that will suffice.

After about 5 minutes of stirring, mixture appears about right--little bumps, but mostly smooth.

Pour mixture into pan; bake at 400 degrees for 20-25 minutes.

With my trusty Ove-Glove firmly in place, I approach scary oven, shaking ever-so-slightly. (yes, I have a fear of the idea why). 

Done. In. Cooking.

20-25 minutes later: Voila! CORNBREAD! Hurray! It smells delicious and is a perfect golden-brown. 

Mission: Cornbread--COMPLETE.

Next up: Stuffing.