Tell Me What to Read! November

Last night as I was watching the tweets pour in about NaNoWriMo, I had a strange feeling. That feeling of wanting to belong.

For a long time, I have said that I am not a novelist, and this is true. I have a disability that prevents me from writing a story longer than 5 pages.

So, in order to project my problem on to someone else, I tweeted about my friend Julie and how she was the real reason that I wasn't participating in NaNoWriMo. Because even though I hadn't mentioned it once to her, apparently it was my life-long dream to write a book with her.

Well, she texted me back and said that she thought writing a novel wasn't my thing. Apparently she doesn't know me, like, at all.  So, we started bouncing ideas back and forth really late last night. (Okay, so it was like 10 pm. But, I'm like 24 and married, which is really old).  I said I wanted to do a steampunk Western. There could be a girl that goes West to settle a bit of land and get away from the city. And she would have a pair of mechanized oxen known as Roboxen. I thought it was super clever. So clever in fact that I woke up my husband and told him. He said, "You're cute." I think he was still asleep though.

Anyway, this has nothing to do with telling me what to read. But, good luck to everyone participating in NaNoWriMo.  This month I'm switching up the Tell Me What to Read feature.  I've got a huge pile of books that I've either bought or had gifted to me that I want to read. So, I'm going to throw out 5 choices, and you all get to vote on them. Then I review it, and a burden of guilt is lifted in the knowledge that I will someday have read over half the books I own.

Now go forth and vote! You might have to click over from the reader in order to vote, but you would have done that anyway to leave a comment, right?

November's Tell Me What to Read Selection