Stereotype #10: Virgins Make Bad Girlfriends

This is one of my absolute favorite stereotypes. (Kindly note the sarcasm)

There are two basic tiers to this theory:

Tier One: Immaturity

This perplexing little gem of a stereotype-tier originates from "man's belief" (sources remain unnamed...Kyle The Prick) that virgins have less relationship experience to draw from since they don't "give it up."  Therefore, virgins are increasingly unable to maturely handle common relationship issues/roadblocks. Hence, we are apparently decidedly less mature than girls who have had shall I put this...bone.

**It should be duly noted that Kyle's ex-girlfriend handled their break-up like a truly mature, experienced woman...wonder if he's gotten around to repainting his car.

Fact: Because many virgins intend to remain pure, for want of a better word, until they find love and/or marriage, it is likely fewer men are willing to give it a go with us. This, admittedly, results in less relationship experience. Does that mean we are ill-equipped to handle adversity in a relationship? Absolutely not.

Let me tell you, contrary to semi-popular opinion, it takes an enormous amount of strength, energy, self-preservation, and just plain thick skin to walk down the virgin road. That, my dear naysayers, is called maturity...and it starts pretty early, especially considering how young  people are having sex these days.

You don't walk the virgin road and wear a badge of giggling, idiotic, school-girl. You learn very early to hold your head high, no matter how many times someone tries to punch you in the stomach...and they will...and it hurts. You grow from the gain mature.

By my senior year in high school, girls were coming to me for all sorts of advice, despite the fact I hadn't "been there, done that." I saw things very clearly with regard to other people's relationships.  Perhaps it's a consolation prize of having to surviving all that comes with the "virgin" label.

Tier Two: No Sex (Duh!)

Well, who would guess this one, right? Eventually, according to some, men will grow tired of said virgin because...drum roll, please...they aren't getting laid! Just kick me in the gut and color me happy! I could never have guessed this one is a zillion years! Ugh.  (Again, note sarcasm)

Fact: Some men will cut and run after so much time. Others will quite literally leave rubber (aw, heck, pun intended...why not?) to get away from a virgin the second he finds out the truth. These men are NOT worth your time or tears.

Then there are those who remain by your side....for YOU...for who YOU are as a person. If a man can see a future with YOU, it shouldn't matter if you are a virgin or if you have slept with over half the county. It's about the's about love. 

Bottom line: There is a lot more to a relationship than sex. Oh, it's important, don't get me wrong, but it's not everything. Virgins just start from the bottom and work up--we delicately, gently, caress each relationship block, softly putting them together to build the rock hard foundation we need before we become one with  our bodies. Just consider it a nice long period of constant, non-stop foreplay for the soul, mind, and body. 

Stereotype #10: SLAYED.