Deathly Hallows Week

Usually in this blog I try to focus on the books rather than the movies.  It is, after all, JK Rowling's writing that I'm most interested in.  But the release of the first part of the last movie is huge, and I'm just as excited as any other rabid fan.  We've already got our tickets for the midnight premiere!

So, in celebration, I'll post something every day relating to the books or the movies, whether through links to other blogs, guest posts, or my own.

First up, a question for you all:  When did you first meet Harry?  Was it through a book or a movie?  And which one?

I found Harry by way of a recommendation from my local used bookstore owner.  My son was about 5-6 years old at the time, and we used to go into his store a couple of times a week to pick up kiddie books for me to read aloud.  The owner pointed to a paperback of Sorcerer's Stone and said, "This one's been very popular with the kids.  You might want to try it."

But, it looked a bit too old for my son, so I didn't get it at first.  It was still there a few days later, and the next week, so I eventually got it and read it aloud to him.  We were both hooked.

From there on, I bought all the books new.  We quickly went through Chamber of Secrets and Prisoner of Azkaban as they were already out, and then picked up Goblet of Fire as soon as it was released.  I read each one aloud to my son, even after he got to the age where he could read them himself.  Until the last book, Deathly Hallows.  I'd attended a fan conference in London where I'd presented a couple of workshops and had to read the whole book overnight without him there.  So, when I caught up to him on a family vacation in Turkey, he read that one on his on during the car rides.

We went to release parties for Order of the Phoenix and Half-Blood Prince as well.  It was a great bonding experience for us that included my younger daughter as she got old enough.

So, what about you?

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