Why Wednesday: Why Waste All This Time Being A Virgin?

Her: Why are you wasting all this time?

Me: Are you seriously asking me this?

Her: You're not going to be young forever...why waste all this time when you could be having sex with guys, find out what you like, see what different guys have, you know? It's crazy. There's nothing wrong with screwing around until you find the one. You should just go pick a guy up, get crazy, and start having fun.

Me: Well, thanks for your opinion.  The one I didn't ask for...why do people always do that?

Truth: With every bad date--every nightmare date--every birthday, and every empty New Year's Eve and/or Valentine's Day, the idea of wasted time more than crosses my mind. Sometimes, I cry. There, I said it. I cry. Don't we all from time to time? Anyone who answers 'no' to that question is a flat out liar, by the way.

Thing is, I don't want to have sex just to get it over with and start "having fun." If I starting having sex to avoid wasting time, wouldn't that be another way of wasting time? Laying down with someone just to have sex is, in effect, wasting time--there would be a lack of feeling, love, something deeper.

Conclusion: Maybe I am wasting time, but I'd be wasting time either way--having random sex or not having sex at all. What I want is love. Period.