Stop Shoving, 'Cause I'm Not Eating

Is it just me, or does there seem to be a climate of rewarding or celebrating bad behavior these days? Almost daily, I turn on the news, a sporting event, the name it...and I hear/read nothing but justifications for someone's bad behavior or questionable character.

It's like "they" are trying to sell America on a new standard: It's okay to be a snarky, cruel, money-grubbing, immoral, alcohol-happy, lying, stealing, cheating turd because those things bring in ratings and sell books, t.v. shows, sneakers, etc.

This does not a role model make.

For me, I haven't bought said books or sneakers, although I may have been guilty of watching the shows in the past.  I don't watch them anymore because it became glaringly clear what, as a society, we seem to be becoming...what we seem to so easily accept as okay, while downing those who don't fit this new mold.  

I honestly don't think the vast majority of us are buying the bull. I tend to think we still value what's intrinsically good and right, honest and true. Can't convince me otherwise.

I'm not trying to sound like some stick-in-the-mud--I just think things have gone a little too far in a very bad direction.

Just sayin'.